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Japan stock photos

Japan stock photos Japan is very unique in so many ways, so different all other Asian countries, probably due to the once 300 year seclusion from the rest of the world, which accentuated the Japanese way of life and its traditions.

Of course there is the typical gigantic Japanese sprawl of suburbs and housing for an enormous population, but it culminates in incredible futuristic megacities which can be as fascinating as dozens of New York Times Squares besides each other.

All this modernity coexists with 1500 year old historic temples full of complex detail, with untouched coastlines and remote forested mountain ranges with hidden away ancient traditional architecture. There is so much attention to detail and beauty, truly a photographer’s dream!

See my Japan photo stock library.


The most unbelievable traditional hand held fireworks festival in Takayama:

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This Takayama temple photo headlined the Lonely Planet Best of Asia campaign:

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And here the contrast with futuristic megacityscapes like in Akihabara, Tokyo:

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